What are advantages of performing breast ultrasound?
Despite ladies should undergo prophylactic mammography, many do not - if therefore accompany you symptoms such as breast pain, leakage nipple discharge, noticeable changes in the breasts or family history of cancer, are mild changes detected in previous studies or possibly applies to you application hormone replacement therapy, do not delay and go to the doctor, because time in this case works against you. If, as a physician, you need exceptional equipment, look used ultrasound machine.
And how to prepare for a visit to doctor and breast ultrasound? The most important is to go in the right time - if there are disturbing symptoms then there is free time for framing and select a term. if it is a prophylactic examination, then best perform it between the 1ast and the 10th day of the menstrual cycle. It is worth bring to the examination also the previous ultrasound results if I have graphs and tell the doctor about all possible cases family history of or also disturbing symptoms.